Thursday, January 21, 2016


It’s been a crazy 24 hours! About 10 minutes after I hit send for my last post, we were on the phone with the medicine room, and packing our bags to head to the hospital. Tash had not been himself for the previous 24 hours....we were hoping after his transfusion he would gain some energy (and color). His color came back but he never really got the energy we were hoping for. He also began vomiting and then the icing on the cake was the low grade fever. So, we were admitted to the hospital at 1am yesterday morning. It’s an automatic 48 hour stay, which is fine by me, I just want to make sure he is okay. On the bright side, the couch/bed in our room this time is pretty comfy :) He was able to rest from about 7:30-9AM this morning. He has been vomiting throughout the day so we have him on continual Zofran and Benadryl, alternating much like Tylenol/Motrin for all those parents out there that have been down that road. 

They sent his blood off to test for a bacterial infection, it takes 48 hours for the cultures so we should have an answer late tomorrow/early Saturday morning. They have been ruling out other things, the fever could also be from the LPIT (spinal tap) and transfusions. He is very sensitive to light and loud noise, if I didn’t know any better I would think the poor guy had a migraine. I am hopeful that he is able to rest tonight, his LPIT and BMA (bone marrow aspiration) is scheduled for 7:30am. Which means he is NPO’ed at 2:30am and they will take us to pre-op at 6:30AM. BIG DAY tomorrow, praying for positive results!

Today has been filled with a lot of emotion, worry for my sweet boy, and longing for my girls. It’s Sloane’s 3rd birthday. I never imagined I would miss a birthday let alone such a young one. I mean let’s be honest my kids won’t ALWAYS be with me to celebrate birthdays but I certainly thought I would be present for at least the first 21 (okay more likely to be 18, but a Mom can dream that they will still want me around until 21). FaceTime is a wonderful thing but it’s not enough, especially on days like today. Sloane is 3 so she has what we call “squirrel syndrome”. She can be having a full on conversation with you and something will catch her eye or she will hear a noise somewhere in the house and BOOM, she’s gone. Just like that she’s off to investigate and you are old news. So imagine me trying to keep her attention on FaceTime when she has people singing, presents to open, and new toys to play with.....yeeeaaahhhhh you can guess how that call went tonight ;) So again, thankful for the opportunity to see her and those taking care of her but DANG I miss my girls. I wish I could have been there to open her blinds and sing Happy Birthday this morning, help her pick out a pretty birthday outfit, take cupcakes to her and her school friends, have a special birthday dinner, sing happy birthday and watch her open presents. Most of all I want to be there to kiss her good night and ask her her favorite moment of her birthday. I can’t be there to do those things this year and she most likely won’t remember that I wasn’t there so I am grateful that she is surrounded by people that love her and did do all of those things with her today. I’ve never wanted to be in 2 places more than today. As I sit here and watch Tash, I will envision Sloane’s 4th birthday and know we will all be together. HEALTHY and TOGETHER. 


  1. You such a strong and amazing Momma. Hang in there. Sending strength and love to you all.

  2. You got this! Hoping for positive results today (and everyday) for Tash! Love to everyone and happy birthday to Sloane!

  3. Praying, praying, praying! Happy Birthday Sloane! You are all strong and resilient! Love to you all.

  4. I know this hurts your heart to be away from Sloane today as you are the birthday queen. Stay strong and good this are coming your way. I love you, chipmunk
    Bobbie jean
