On Wednesday, Tash spiked a fever so Mom and I packed our bags and headed to the hospital. We figured we would be admitted and we were right. He battled some vomiting and nausea on Wednesday and Thursday. His CRP had peaked at a 19 so they were debating on moving forward with his Spinal Tap (LPIT) and Bone Marrow Aspiration (BMA). Ultimately, they decided to proceed. Yet again he was NPO’ed at 4AM, but to our surprise they took him to the OR a bit early at 8:30AM. This “should” be his last LPIT for 2 weeks - YAY!! We do love our OR/Anesthesia team but I hate that he is put under so frequently and honestly he doesn’t need another hole in his back.
The Dreaded Sign |
Dr. Gruber came by the room around 6:30pm Friday with the BMA results. His MRD has decreased further to a 1.437%. Yet again, I was a bit bummed, I was so sure it was going to be negative. However, I am THRILLED that it is continuing to decrease which means the treatment IS working. Dr. Gruber was happy with his progress and called Tash a superstar! Well yeaaaahhhhh he is ;) She is confident that this next round of intense chemo will knock out the remaining leukemia cells. Since being admitted on Wednesday, his fever has not returned and his cultures came back negative for any infection, with that, let the next round of chemo begin! We were going to be admitted into the hospital on Friday anyway as Tash is beginning Day 22-26 of his protocol. This is a intense round of chemo that he will receive daily for the following 5 days. They had warned us that a common side affect would be discomfort making the babies fussy, along with some swelling. They began administering the chemo at 11pm (its a 5 hour cycle) so Mom and I prepared for a long night. I would feed him and Mom would walk with Tash in between feedings, to keep him quiet and comfortable. Its such a blessing to have her here, Lord knows I couldn't do this alone. Finally around 4am he fell asleep for the night and slept until 8am. Mom and I laughed when we woke up we felt GREAT - ha, just like college, its amazing what a block of 4 hours of sleep can do. Thankfully, he did better than we had expected Friday night. They haven’t seen how fussy a hangry baby boy can be ;)
We noticed Friday afternoon, prior to receiving chemo, his cheeks were beginning to swell (even more than they already were). When we woke Saturday morning, he couldn’t even open his eyes...it was awful. His mouth was swollen on the inside as well, making it difficult to nurse. After reviewing his counts, Jenn our NP figured out his albumin was low making him “leaky”. Leaky meaning the fluids were leaking from his vessels and not exiting the body via urine. They gave him some albumin and lasix (a diuretic) and his swelling was vastly reduced. He was even able to open those beautiful eyes. Poor kiddo, I kept trying to lay him down to nap but he was actually awake I just couldn’t tell because his eyes were swollen shut. Mother of year over here.
We spoke with Jenn about the timing of his chemo, overnight is not ideal as they have to change out the drugs and take vitals every 20 minutes to every hour. It never fails every time we get him to fall asleep there is a monitor going off or its time for vitals. Vitals being blood pressure cuff (which is awesome - said no.one.ever.), temperature and respiratory count. I completely understand they need to do it but it would be easier for us if those things happened during the day and not at 1AM, 2AM, 3AM, etc. So we are going to bump up his chemo regimen by 2 hours each day, so hopefully we can be discharged early evening on Tuesday.
Bath Time with Ms. Tiffany |
Patient services called on Thursday, a room at Target House had opened and they were ready for us to move. Mom went back and forth on Friday between the hospital and RMH packing our belongings for the move on Saturday. Mom and Seltzer moved our stuff to the Target House yesterday afternoon so we have new digs for Tash this week! Our new address will be listed on the TashTuff Facebook page. We are movin' on up!
Last night was a rough one. He slept in 45 minute increments, and he did not want to be put down. Again it probably did not help that his chemo ran into the wee hours. Tonight we will start at 7pm, let’s pray he gets some rest today and starting earlier will help ALL of us sleep a little better tonight. His swelling is coming back so we will try the albumin/lasix again but before we do that the poor boy needs a blood transfusion. It just amazes the amount of fluid that goes in and comes out of his body on a daily basis.
Midnight with the fishes |
One day closer, one day closer, one day closer.....
We are #TASHTUFF!!
P.S. Thank you to everyone that sent texts, notes, and packages for my birthday. It has been a very emotional few days for me. Your positivity, prayers and support are so uplifting in these trying times. All things considered it was a lovely day. The only thing would have made it any better was being with my husband and my girls. Here is a video of the girls singing Happy Birthday. I am SO blessed.