Saturday, March 19, 2016


Well, we are still inpatient, they just hooked Tash up for a blood transfusion. But the good news is, we should be able to head home in about 3.5 hours. We came in Tuesday morning hoping to be discharged on Wednesday, four days later we're still here. He took a bit longer to clear the chemo which is why we haven’t been discharged yet. Tonight we will go home on fluids, and we will be back early in the morning for another reading of his levels but we will get to go home (YAY!). This will also be our first night alone. Mimi had to head back to Atlanta for the week. Jonathan will be here tomorrow afternoon so until then its just me and my boy. I know we will be fine but I have to admit I’m a bit nervous...

As I sit here staring out the window at this beautiful day I can’t help but have an overwhelming feeling of being thankful. I am thankful for so many things in life on a daily basis but today its like my heart is bursting. I am thankful that my son is healing. I am thankful that he can still continue to smile in between the aches, pain and vomiting. I am thankful that his doctors are fully confident that they will rid his body of the disease. I am thankful that we are here amongst the most brilliant minds in the pediatric oncology world. I am thankful for the sweetest, most caring nurses and doctors you could ever dream of taking care of your children. I am thankful for a loving husband who is raising our 2 daughters without their momma around and never once complains. I am thankful for in laws that other people only wish they had. They have moved in with said husband to help manage the day to day ins and outs of life for a single dad with 2 toddlers. I am thankful for my parents who have set aside their lives and plans of retirement to care for myself and Tash. They go weeks without seeing each other so my mom can be here with me and my Dad can take care of other out of state family members. I am thankful for the MOST supportive family and friends. I am thankful for friends that have become family and strangers that have become friends. I am overwhelmed each day with the love that is shown to us. It comes in so many different forms and fashions, I will spend a lifetime trying to pay that forward. I am thankful this opportunity has allowed me to grow closer to God. This last one is important.  Never in my life have I felt as helpless and vulnerable as I have since Tash was diagnosed...but each day my relationship with God grows and is strengthened, for that I am thankful.  

Well, I better start gathering up our belongings, you would have thought we’d been in here a month. I can’t deny it, we pack heavy. I’m sure the shuttle driver will get a kick out of me and all of my bags when I roll up. I bet she’s thankful I don’t always take the shuttle ;) 

We are #TASHTUFF! 


  1. Your an amazing momma. We as readers are thankful you have shared your son with us. God has a plan for Tash and it's so much bigger than we can see. Prayer always for Tash, you, your hubby and girls and the rest of your family....they are all amazing.

  2. Your an amazing momma. We as readers are thankful you have shared your son with us. God has a plan for Tash and it's so much bigger than we can see. Prayer always for Tash, you, your hubby and girls and the rest of your family....they are all amazing.

  3. Your strength is staggering. Praying for continued healing and support. This is a marathon and you my friend have set the pace.

  4. Nikole- God as made you strong to comfort and care for Tash. You are an amazing mom and wife. And I am thankful you are my friend. Love you - Bobbie Jean
