This post is long overdue and frankly I’m not sure where to begin. We’ve had a lot transpire the past month! We are so thankful to be in the “continuation” phase of Tash’s treatment. Originally, we anticipated being able to return home to Florida in June, that date has been pushed back to late September. If we’ve learned anything throughout this process its that we cannot plan too far ahead, we have take each day as it comes. As you know by now I have a HARD time with this...needless to say I have been praying about this and asking God to help me relax and have faith in His timing. This also means I try to make a plan for EVERY possible scenario which we know is IMPOSSIBLE.
Let me tell you a little about this phase of his treatment and what Tash has uphead. This “continuation”phase of treatment lasts 120 weeks. Each Friday marks the beginning of the next week for Tash, we are currently in Week 5. We received a roadmap (which is like a calendar/schedule) for the first 6 weeks of continuation. Every Friday Tash gets IV chemo (different drugs on different weeks), if his counts are high enough he takes oral chemo nightly, which we administer. He is also taking a steroid (Dex) in 5 day cycles, although the side effects last about 5 days after he stops taking it. Oy. I think most of you are caught up on my thoughts about the steroids from his Facebook page, so I won’t go into too much detail. I know the steroid is a vital part of his treatment, they help keep his counts high and fight the leukemia as well but dang I wish someone could find another option that has less side effects for these kiddos. A little side eye for the steroids....
Tash has been handling the chemo relatively well, we can control the nausea, the nerve pain and some of the bone pain. Most days he is happy, smiley and a great baby. My heart breaks at times knowing he’s spent more of his life feeling bad/being in pain from these drugs then not. But it also allows me to look forward to the day that his treatment is complete and he’s running in the backyard with this sisters, feeling like a “normal” toddler. What a glorious day that will be.
Tash had his first big boy spinal tap on May 13th. Prior to this Tash would go to the Operating Room (OR) for his procedures (spinal taps, bone marrow aspirates, etc.) It was a lengthy process as we would sit in Pre-Op for an hour, one person was allowed into the actual operating room with him until they put him under, then I had to leave. I also had to wear head to toe protection, we call it the marshmallow suit. We would wait in the OR waiting room for 30-40 minutes, they would take him to Post-Op where he would wake in a major state of HANGRY and I could finally feed him. Well, now that he is a big boy (<6months) he can go to Procedures for his spinal taps. I was a little nervous about what to expect, we love our team in the OR and anytime we do something differently I become a little on edge. Jonathan was with me when we went to Procedures, we walked right in (no waiting in Pre-Op)! We both could stay in the room while he received anesthesia, which is nice for me to have JR there, no matter how many times they put him under it NEVER gets easier watching your childs eyes roll back in their head and their body go limp. During his spinal tap we ran to Starbucks for coffee and by the time we made it back they were calling to let us know he was in recovery. Normally in the OR they wait for him to wake up before calling us back, but in Procedures we were allowed into recovery as soon as they were done. It was so nice to be with him while he was sleeping and then as he woke. I know we will grow to love the team in Procedures as much as we love our OR team.
The next BIG date on our schedule is Week 7-9 (June 10-24), this time frame is the first of two re-inductions Tash will have while here in Memphis. When we spoke with Dr. Gruber on Friday, she let us know she will not begin re-induction if he still has the enterovirus/rhinovirus. This is a very serious scenario, there are numerous things that can go wrong and I try not to go please just continue to pray that Tash’s body will kick this virus on its own and his body will be infection/virus free before we start re-induction. From what I know at this point re-induction is similar to the first month we were here, its an intense block of chemo and will wipe out his counts again. It will be imperative that we keep Tash infection/virus free. We will have an impatient stay during this time as well. Tash is scheduled to have another spinal tap and a bone marrow aspirate (BMA) on June 10th. We are praying diligently that his MRD will still be NEGATIVE from the BMA. Again, if his MRD is negative this means the chemo is working, there is no detectable disease and we will continue on our current course of treatment.
Tash has been very sensitive the past few days, which we believe is a combination of teething and the cold. He wants to be held constantly, takes short naps and has little interest in playing. This has been a bit of a tough week as we feel trapped, with the walls closing in in the apartment.
On a more positive note, here are a few highlights from the past month....Daddy came to visit, we took a road trip to Atlanta to see the girls, G, and GG, Tash had his 1/2 birthday, his first tooth came through, he rolled over on his own, Pap came to visit, Pap & Mimi let him try cereal (against my will), and he tried out a sippy cup! (Pictures below)
Please continue to pray for our sweet boy. Please pray that God hear our prayers for comfort from any pain for Tash, protection from any illness that would harm his body, that the leukemia cells are gone from his body and are not taking advantage of his body during this time while he is not receiving chemo. Please pray for his entire medical team, that they have the wisdom, discernment, and God’s guidance to continue to make these life altering decisions. Please pray for all of us that are struggling right now, struggling to have control over this situation, struggling to be able to "fix" things, struggling to be able to make a plan for something ANYTHING in the future. Please pray that we continue to have faith in His plan, His timing, and His will.
Happy Memorial Day |
Sippy Cup |