Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Walking in Memphis

Man, its been a rough few days....Tash is extremely uncomfortable and crying. A LOT. I can only imagine this is what its like to have a baby with colic. One of the hardest things about him being so little is he cannot tell us what hurts or why he is crying...we have to go through all of the possibilities...is it side effects from the chemo? Is he cutting a tooth? Is it the new steroid he’s on? Are his counts low, does he need blood? Etc. There are different solutions/medicines for each of these scenarios and we don’t want to overload him on meds all day. The only time he is calm is when we play Jesus Loves Me on the iPad or when Mom and I take him outside for a stroller ride...and we walk, and we walk, and we walk some more. I need to start tracking how many laps we do around the Target House grounds...I’d feel better about eating that cupcake earlier ;) 

Stroller Rides This Week
We attempted PT and OT today but he was not having it so they cancelled all of our appointments and we headed back to Target House as he had a complete meltdown in the car. He’s due to go in Thursday for labs and some monthly meds but if he’s still super fussy tomorrow I’ll call clinic and have them run labs tomorrow. We are tentatively planning a trip to Atlanta for Mother’s Day. Tash’s medical team is doing everything they can to make sure his levels are high enough for travel. Jonathan, G and GG are doing everything they can to keep our girls healthy. We are all praying that it will work out and for a couple of days I can be with ALL of my babies and we can be a family of 5 again. What a glorious Mother’s Day that would be. 

While I am asking for prayers if you could add two of our St. Jude friends to our list I would be most grateful. Our friend Tripp, the toughest cowboy I’ve ever met was set to return home this past weekend to his family and start life cancer free. Unfortunately, they found out Friday his cancer is back, he returned to St. Jude yesterday and started chemo today. He is a tough little dude and we know with God’s grace he will be cancer free and he will again get to go home to be with his family. Another of our friends is Gideon, he and his family live on our floor at Target House. Gideon turned one a few weeks ago and began high dose chemo today to prepare him for an upcoming bone marrow transplant. He will be inpatient for the next month as he continues his fight. Both of these young boys are tough as nails and their families are strong in Faith. We know there is power in prayer and I ask that you please lift them up with Tash. 

Please continue to pray for Tash as this hasn’t been a good week for him. Our hearts break watching him cry as we try and eliminate the possible reasons why. I pray that God gives us the insight to help Tash quickly when he's in pain. I also pray its that darn tooth trying to break through and not something more serious. More to come on Thursday once we know how his counts look! Thank you for your prayers! We are #TASHTUFF! 

Found this near the Arcade Restaurant...one of our favorites, the song and the restaurant.
Seems appropriate given the walking we've been doing.